
Latest news

It’s summer now and we have our holidays so now I have the time to tell you about a few of the things we have been doing here lately, and since it is always a lot of different things I am going to list a few of the improvements we have made here at the refuge in Medina and shortly in the refuge in Valladolid. We have opened a new building right at the entrance of Scooby that will serve as our merchandising shop. We put it right at the entrance so that people coming to visit us will always have to pass it on their way out and will be able to buy something there. We are sure this has been an investment that will bring us profit very soon.  And I can already tell you that shortly we will have a new online shop that will be much more complete, but it will be announced with a little fanfare. For sure it will be officially opened on the open house day, but that will be a new item for another newsbulletin.

In the same area we have put some shades so our volunteers and visitors can sit there and drink or eat something. Obviously we take good care of our animals but we also need to take care of the people who take care of them! We have already used the area twice, one with a meal for our volunteers that helped with the Day of the Pet, and once on open house day.
Well and then of course we have a lot of improvements made for the most important ones, our animals, from the new puppy cuarters that we already told you about, to the complete renovation of the Cattery I, which has been tiled from bottom to top, renovated shelves and beds, we have separated the feeding trays from the sand outside  so it is a lot more hygienic and easier to clean ( a lot of people who’ve seen it liked it very much), and in this Cattery we are only placing cats that have been tested, that are disease free and vaccinated, in other words: ready to be adopted.

We have put some shades in patio 7, in the areas that did not have shade of their own,  we have put in some pergolas and a roofing over them.

We will continue remodeling patio’s 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3 but I will tell you more in another bulletin, we are redoing the farm, which I will tell you about later too, and we are renewing all kennels at the shelter of Valladolid, and a lot of other things I have already told you about... but please simply remember that all this is possible because of your generosity and your help, so thank you veeeeeeeeeeery much, and I hope that as long as the crisis permits, please continue contributing so we can continue to improve the life of our tenants.
Greeting and till soon!  Fermin