
Yaris-happy at home

With the help of one of our partner organisation Dierenopvang Koningen in the
Netherlands another Scooby dog has found a loving forever home, like

many many others in the past and hopefully in the future. The mail below

is from the new owner and gives an impression not only on Yaris´happiness

but also on her´s;-)

When the doors of the bus opened I immediately saw her big sweet face between all the 19 dogs and got instant goosebumps over my whole body! What a weird sensation and as Esmee said: “and this is how it's supposed to feel!”

The arrival from Spain was delayed, so after all those hours, she finally came of the bus, shivering and upset. But after a few minutes she recovered and calmed down super fast.

We went  to introduce her to my dog Katie, who was waiting in the car. During our wait for the transport we took Katie for a walk with two other shelter dogs. Katie is quite picky in her choice of friends. But when we took Katie out of the car to meet Yaris the first thing we saw was how Yaris pressed her big nose against Katies, two dog noses saying hello. Another great thrill, that first impression! From that moment on the match was perfect and they walked together as they have known each other for years. Thanks to Yaris' happy, social and stable character our Katie transformed into a lively, happy and above all relaxed dog. Fantastic!

When all the papers were made and we were going home I walked towards the fence and said: “Who's going with me??” en yes, Yaris came running straight away! What a feeling, a super click from all sides!

At home Yaris had to discover the whole house of course and ended up in her new bench, satisfied. The only thing she had to be corrected in, was her claiming the food, all the food, Katies and ours. But this took only one day of correction and after that she was perfect: we can leave the bench open day and night and I don't have to hide bones, Yaris totally understands it and has respect for us all, amazing!! She can really look at you like she is saying: “I understand you” when you say this is not the way she should behave and gently push her away so you can eat quietly without her jumping on top of the counter.

I have to say we were very very lucky to have adopted such an intelligent calm Shepherd who has learned the house rules and more super fast!

A few days later:

All together I have to say it is going really well! She has found her place in the family and outside it's going great; Yaris and Katie run and play a lot together in the forest and afterwards they sleep next to each other just peacefully..

A big thank you to everybody for all the care and hard work you do for all the animals. Thanks to you we were able to adopt our third dog. Thank you!

Roelanda, Katie and of course Yaris (now Lisa)


What do you think as Yaris as a service dog?

She walks very proud beside my mother's wheelchair like they never did otherwise, unbelievable..

Yaris´ brother ARCO is still waiting to be adopted. Do you have space for this great boy?